DataSourceDefinition and Data Ingestion pipeline
DataSourceDefinition overview
Similar to FeatureDefinition
, DataSourceDefinition
defines a blueprint for a data source - a sequence
of events which framework treats as an input to our feature calculation pipelines. DataSourceDefinition
plays a role of a terminal node (a leaf) in a FeatureDefinition
tree. Unlike FeatureDefinition
, DataSourceDefinition
does not have any dependencies and does not perform any feature calculations - the purpose of this class is to hold metadata about
event schema, possible preprocessing steps and other info. Let's take a look at an example DataSourceDefinition
class MyDataSourceDefinition(DataSourceDefinition):
def event_schema(cls) -> EventSchema:
# This method defines schema of the event
raise NotImplemented
def preprocess_impl(cls, raw_df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
# Any preprocessing logic to get a sequence of EventSchema-like
# records in a form of a DataFrame from raw data (raw_df)
raise NotImplemented
def event_emitter_type(cls) -> Type[DataSourceEventEmitter]:
# provides DataSourceEventEmitter type associated with this data source
raise NotImplemented
Some examples of common data source definitions
CryptotickL2BookIncrementalData - incremental updates for L2 orderbook from Cryptotick data provider
CryptofeedL2BookIncrementalData - incremental updates for L2 orderbook from Cryptofeed library
CryptofeedTickerData - Cryptofeed ticker
CryptotickTradesData - Cryptotick trades
CryptofeedTradesData - Cryptofeed trades
See Featurizer Real Time Streaming for Event Emitter details