Featurizer is a framework combining stream/batch feature processing engine, feature storage, exploration API and user facing SDKs and configs to define features for real-time and batch (historical) processing.
Featurizer is built around a custom stream processing engine (built on top of Ray Actors and ZeroMQ) and uses Kappa-architecture to calculate offline features using online pipelines.
Featurizer leverages Ray's distributed memory to produce feature sets/feature-label sets for ML training without having costly data transfers.
Key features
- Flexible computation model: define modular FeatureDefinition’s to calculate features on historical data as well as live data streams using the same code
- High configurability: Define yaml configs to produce feature sets/feature-label sets for unsupervised/supervised learning and analysis
- Scalable execution: Built on top of Ray, Featurizer allows for horizontally scalable stream processing and feature calculations on historical data
- Scalable data storage: Unified data model and data access API for time-series data sources and user defined features allows for easy data discovery and retrieval
- Zero-copy in-memory data access: Featurizer integrates with Ray’s distributed in-memory storage, allowing to use Ray’s distributed ML frameworks (XGBoost, PyTorch, RLLib) for predictive modelling without moving data to the third party storage
How is it different from other stream processors (Flink, Spark Streaming)?
The main goal of our framework is to provide a standalone real-time ML solution by reducing typical heavyweight dependencies which are present in similar systems - mainly Flink and Spark. Featurizer uses custom stream processing engine which is built on top of Ray Actors - this gives Kubernetes-ready system, helps to avoid cloud/vendor lock-in, provides a common platform for feature processing and ML training/inference and as a result eliminates such problems as heavyweight data transfers, CI/CD pipeline-hell and boilerplate inference code (FastAPI/Docker wrappers).
Current version of Featurizer is built using Streamz Python library for pipeline definitions and has a limited functionality, but our main focus is to provide full feature parity with Flink (state backend, checkpoints, watermarks, joins/shuffles, elasticity/autoscaling, etc.)