Featurizer Storage
Featurizer stores contents of features and data sources in blocks of timestamp-sorted records. For range-based queries and other parametrized data access and exploration it keeps an index of all the blocks metadata (i.e. start and end timestamps, in-memory and on-disk size, user-defined parameters, etc.) in a SQL database (currently supports MySQL or SQLite). Each block is represented as a pandas DataFrame when loaded in memory or as a gzip-compressed parquet file when stored on disk or blob storage.
Data Models
There are 4 main user-facing data models
- Block
Single block of data, currently a simple pandas dataframe
Block = pd.DataFrame
- BlockRange
Represents a range of consecutive timestamp-sorted blocks. These are treated as a single range that contains no gaps. Blocks are considered consecutive if time difference between them is no more than user-defined delta.
BlockRange = List[Block]
BlockMeta Represents block metadata: feature/data source name, key or id, time range, size, etc.
BlockMeta = Dict
BlockRangeMeta Similarly to BlockRange, represents metadata for consecutive blocks.
BlockRangeMeta = List[BlockMeta]
SQL Tables
Metadata about features/data sources and feature/data source blocks is stored in 4 tables
Data Store Adapters
Featurizer provides DataStoreAdapter
class to implement custom read/write operations for block storage.
Users are able to extend this class with their own logic.
class DataStoreAdapter:
def load_df(self, path: str, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
raise NotImplementedError
def store_df(self, path: str, df: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def make_feature_block_path(self, item: FeatureBlockMetadata) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def make_data_source_block_path(self, item: DataSourceBlockMetadata) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
Featurizer includes implementation two data store adapters:
Stores and reads data from local filesystemRemoteDataStoreAdapter
Stores and reads data from S3
By default, LocalDataStoreAdapter
is used
Data Exploration API
TODO implement data exploration api