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Featurizer Real Time Streaming


One of the most powerful tools of Featurizer is the ability to seamlessly switch between batch and real-time data processing without changing feature calculation code. Featurizer is built around a custom stream processing engine (built on top of Ray Actors and ZeroMQ) and uses Kappa-architecture to calculate offline features using online pipelines.

Featurizer provides a set of user-facing classes to build, launch and scale real-time streaming pipelines. It is built using Streamz library to declaratively define event processing logic and Ray Actors to scale the workload across cluster/CPUs.

Event Emitters

DataSourceEventEmitter is a foundation of any streaming pipeline. Users define logic to emit Event objects and how to register an arbitrary callback per feature. When building a pipeline from config, Featurizer automatically registers all necessary callbacks to connect dependent Features and calculation nodes (in case of a distributed run)

class DataSourceEventEmitter:

    def instance(cls) -> 'DataSourceEventEmitter':
        raise NotImplementedError

    def register_callback(self, feature: Feature, callback: Callable[[Feature, Event], Optional[Any]]):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def start(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def stop(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

By default, Featurizer uses CryptofeedEventEmitter which is based on a popular Cryptofeed library.


FeatureStreamGraph is a class providing simple way to build a streaming pipeline in a non-distributed setting (i.e 1 worker)

fsg = FeatureStreamGraph(
    features_or_config: Union[List[Feature], FeaturizerConfig],
    combine_outputs: bool = False,
    combined_out_callback: Optional[Callable[[GroupedNamedDataEvent], Any]] = None

It uses Streamz library to connect Stream objects into a graph.

  • combine_outputs defines whether output Feature streams should be merged into one

  • If combine_outputs is True, combined_out_callback: Callable[[GroupedNamedDataEvent], Any] parameter contains user-defined logic to process newly produced combined event. GroupedNamedDataEvent describes data events for all features grouped into a single object. This is useful for real-time ML inference, where models expect all feature values in a single request

There are a number of useful methods to build custom pipelines:

  • def emit_named_data_event(self, named_event: NamedDataEvent)

    Emits new event into the graph

  • def set_callback(self, feature: Feature, callback: Callable[[Feature, Event], Optional[Any]])

    Sets custom callback per feature event

  • def get_ins(self) -> List[Feature]

    Lists input feature streams

  • def get_outs(self) -> List[Feature]

    Lists output feature streams

  • def get_stream(self, feature: Feature) -> Stream

    Gets stream for feature

When initialized with a FeaturizerConfig, Featurizer automatically builds necessary FeatureStreamGraph objects and connects them with corresponding Event Emitters/

Data Recording

Users can configure Featurizer to store features/data sources events to Featurizer Storage for further processing. See Featurizer Real Time Data Recording.

Simulating real-time stream from offline data with OfflineFeatureStreamGenerator

For backtesting/simulation/ML model validation purposes, we often need to be able to simulate a data stream from stored events. Featurizer provides OfflineFeatureStreamGenerator class, which implements a typical generator interface and can be used to run custom logic over stored data stream.

Work In Progress (make OfflineFeatureEventEmitter)

OfflineFeatureStreamGenerator example

See more in





FeaturizerStreamWorkerActor and FeaturizerStreamManagerActor


Fault Tolerance

Work In Progress

Processing Order Guarantees

Work In Progress


Work In Progress