Quick start
For this example, we will consider a scenario which often occurs in financial markets simulation, however please note that the framework is not limited to financial data and can be used with whatever scenario user provides. As an example, here is a simple 3 step tutorial to build a simple mid-price prediction model based on past price and volatility.
Run Featurizer to construct mid-price and volatility features from partial order book updates, 5 second lookahead label as prediction target, using 1 second granularity data
- Define
See MidPriceFD and VolatilityStddevFD for implementation detailsstart_date: '2023-02-01 10:00:00' end_date: '2023-02-01 11:00:00' label_feature_index: 0 label_lookahead: '5s' features_to_store: [0, 1] feature_configs: - feature_definition: price.mid_price_fd.MidPriceFD name: mid_price params: data_source: &id001 - exchange: BINANCE instrument_type: spot symbol: BTC-USDT feature: sampling: 1s - feature_definition: volatility.volatility_stddev_fd.VolatilityStddevFD params data_source: *id001 feature: sampling: 1s
Run Featurizer
svoe featurizer run <path_to_config> --ray-address <addr> --parallelism <num-workers>
Featurizer.run(path=<path_to_config>, ray_address=<addr>, parallelism=<num_workers>)
Once calculation is finished, load sampled
dataframe to your local clientsvoe featurizer get-data --every-n <every_nth_row>
This produces
timestamp receipt_timestamp label_mid_price-mid_price mid_price-mid_price feature_VolatilityStddevFD_62271b09-volatility 0 1.675234e+09 1.675234e+09 23084.800 23084.435 0.000547 1 1.675234e+09 1.675234e+09 23083.760 23084.355 0.040003 2 1.675234e+09 1.675234e+09 23083.505 23084.635 0.117757 3 1.675234e+09 1.675234e+09 23084.610 23085.020 0.257091 4 1.675234e+09 1.675234e+09 23084.725 23084.800 0.242034 ... ... ... ... ... ...
We can also visualize the results
svoe featurizer plot --every-n <every_nth_row>
- Define
Once we have our
calculated and loaded in cluster memory, let's use Trainer to train XGBoost model to predict mid-price 5 seconds ahead, validate the model, tune hyperparams and pick best model- Define config
xgboost: params: tree_method: 'approx' objective: 'reg:linear' eval_metric: [ 'logloss', 'error' ] num_boost_rounds: 10 train_valid_test_split: [0.5, 0.3] num_workers: 3 tuner_config: param_space: params: max_depth: randint: lower: 2 upper: 8 min_child_weight: randint: lower: 1 upper: 10 num_samples: 8 metric: 'train-logloss' mode: 'min' max_concurrent_trials: 3
Run Trainer
svoe trainer run --config-path <config-path> --ray-address <addr>
config = TrainerConfig.load_config(config_path) trainer_manager = TrainerManager(config=config, ray_address=ray_address) trainer_manager.run(trainer_run_id='sample-run-id', tags={})
Visualize predictions
svoe trainer predictions --model-uri <model-uri>
Select best model
svoe trainer best-model --metric-name valid-logloss --mode min
best-model-uri = mlflow_client.get_best_checkpoint_uri(metric_name=metric_name, experiment_name=experiment_name, mode=mode)
- Define config
In this example, we use Backtester in the context of financial markets, hence our user-defined logic is based on a notion of trading strategy. This can be extended to any other scenario which user wants to emulate. Once we have our best model, we can plug it in our
derived class and run Backtester-
Define config
See MLStrategy for example implementationfeaturizer_config_path: featurizer-config.yaml inference_config: model_uri: <your-best-model-uri> predictor_class_name: 'XGBoostPredictor' num_replicas: <number-of-predictor-replicas> simulation_class_name: 'backtester.strategy.ml_strategy.MLStrategy' simulation_params: buy_delta: 0 sell_delta: 0 user_defined_params: portfolio_config: <portfolio_config> tradable_instruments_params: - exchange: 'BINANCE' instrument_type: 'spot' symbol: 'BTC-USDT'
Run Backtester
svoe backtester run --config-path <config-path> --ray-address <addr> --num-workers <num-workers>
config = BacktesterConfig.load_config(config_path) backtester = Backtester.from_config(config) backtester.run_remotely(ray_address=ray_address, num_workers=num_workers)
This will run a distributed event-driven backtest using features and models defined earlier
Get statistics with
stats = backtester.get_stats()